News. Paradriving 2023, Modena - Fieracavalli

Paradriving 2023, Modena – Fieracavalli

5° viaggio del Sor-riso

from November 7th to 10th

I’M POSSIBLE ASD APS and Villa Forni Agricultural Company, two entities collaborating on integrated horseback riding projects in the Modena area, have long been engaged in activities aimed at both sports and social integration paths for people with disabilities using carriage driving and horses. The results achieved so far have been remarkable.

The world of carriage driving encompasses many aspects useful for overcoming physical, relational, and sometimes even cultural limitations that hinder proper relationships and learning. Attention to tradition and culture, sharing confined spaces where communication and collaboration are essential, make integration projects particularly effective in enhancing the abilities of individuals, with a positive impact on self-esteem and willingness to engage in group work. Sports and life in a carriage merge to create a unique experience.

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Paradriving 2023, Modena Fieracavalli

From this summary, thanks to the collaboration of the Military Academy of Modena, the administrations of the countries crossed, FISE (Italian Equestrian Sports Federation), ANAC (National Cavalry Weapon Association, Modena section), the Società Cattolica di Assicurazioni Foundation, and the VIVO Foundation, “PARADRIVING FIERACAVALLI 2018” was born in 2018, a real journey with carriages and horses that, starting from the magnificent setting of the Military Academy of Modena, brought about 50 people with disabilities to Fieracavalli in Verona who took turns along the way.

Paradriving 2023, viaggio Modena - Fieracavalli

This year, the journey will mark the conclusion of the “UNA CARROZZA PER TUTTI” project by SPORT and SALUTE in collaboration with the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation. Ten individuals over 65 or from fragile categories have been participating in activities with horses harnessed in specialized centers in five Italian regions for the past six months. Similar to the last edition in 2022, carriages pulled by pairs of horses, mostly of Italian breeds, will be used to showcase and promote the variety and quality of national breeding.

The journey will commence on Tuesday, November 7, in front of the magnificent setting of the Military Academy of Modena, and will arrive in Verona on Friday, November 10, where the 125th edition of Fieracavalli will take place from November 9 to 12.

As with the previous edition, the route will cross the provinces of Modena, Mantua, and finally Verona. There are 4 stages covering a total distance of 105 km.

The route includes the following stops: departure from the center of Modena, lunch break in the city of Carpi, followed by dinner and overnight stay in Novi di Modena. On the second day, there will be a lunch break in San Benedetto Po’ before reaching Casteldario by the end of the day. On the third day, there will be a lunch break in Sorgà, and dinner with overnight stay in Isola della Scala before arriving in Verona the next morning. Low-traffic and secondary roads will be used, requiring assistance from local police forces along the way.

A maximum of 6 teams are expected, comprising a total of approximately 25/30 participants for each stage. To give a broad territorial significance to the event, it is planned to involve individuals with various disabilities from the territory traversed for each stage, who will take turns participating. This way, we will be able to involve approximately 90 individuals, all of whom will be present in Verona upon arrival at Fieracavalli. To identify the individuals with disabilities interested in participating, we will engage with the administrations of the municipalities we will pass through.

Ample space will be given to communicate the event to ensure that this journey can be perceived as an opportunity to delve into themes related to tradition, territory, and social inclusion.

This event is organized and managed by volunteers, without any profit motive, and all carriage guests will participate completely free of charge.

Programma del viaggio

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
  • 8:30 AM, Modena, Piazza Roma, gathering of carriages and guests
  • 9:00 AM departure
  • 12:00 PM, Arrival in Carpi. Lunch.
  • 2:00 PM, boarding of guests and departure.
  • 5:00 PM, arrival in Novi di Modena at Viale Martiri della Libertà. (schools)
  • 6:30 PM, return of guests to Modena/Carpi. Transport of horses and carriages to Circolo Ippico La Rocchetta (Moglia).
  • 8:00 PM dinner. Overnight stay.
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
  • 8:00 AM breakfast.
  • 9:00 AM boarding of guests at Circolo Ippico La Rocchetta, departure.
  • 12:00 PM arrival in San Benedetto Po at the Abbey Cloister. Lunch.
  • 2:00 PM boarding of guests and departure.
  • 5:00 PM arrival in Casteldario.
  • 6:30 PM return of guests to Novi/San Benedetto.
  • 8:00 PM dinner and overnight stay in Casteldario.
Thursday, November 9th, 2023
  • 9:00 AM breakfast.
  • 10:00 AM Departure from the equestrian center, passing through the center of Casteldario to greet authorities and board guests. Departure.
  • 12:00 PM, Sorgà, arrival and lunch.
  • 2:00 PM, boarding of guests and departure.
  • 5:00 PM arrival in Isola della Scala.
  • 6:30 PM, return of guests to Casteldario/Sorgà.
  • 8:00 PM dinner and overnight stay.
Friday, November 10th 2023
  • 8:00 AM, Isola della Scala, breakfast.
  • 9:00 AM boarding of guests and departure.
  • 12:00 PM arrival at Fieracavalli.
  • 12:30/1:00 PM award ceremony for trip participants with Authorities.

Do you want to participate?


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