Equitation courses
The horse, a symbol of beauty and elegance, as well as strength and power, can be considered one of man’s great friends, as well as a trusted companion given the important roles it has played and continues to play today. It is a mammal with highly developed senses that, thanks to its empathetic qualities derived from life in a herd, is able to establish even very deep relationships with humans as long as it is treated with respect. It does not like to be frightened and is accustomed to communicating its moods and emotions with neighs, snorts, and through the position of its ears. Its physique is slender, its musculature is strong and superb, and the horse, with its sociable nature, is undoubtedly a gentle being capable of greatly rewarding those who can establish a common language with it.
Our horseback riding courses offer us the opportunity to come into contact with this excellent animal rich in personality and virtues. We organize experiences of equestrian practice and harnessing to give you the opportunity to understand the reality of the horse by having a complete overview of what it represents. Whether it’s activities in the saddle or carriage driving, you can count on our expert instructors and our method to experience healthy sports experiences based on relationship and respect.
Horseback riding

Within our equestrian courses, horseback riding courses are one of the two options that we at I’M Possible have thought of proposing to allow you to approach and discover the world of horses to the fullest. Horseback riding is undoubtedly one of our great passions, and we are ready to share with you the charm of this truly unique sport that is based on building bonds and establishing a close partnership between humans and the animals they ride. This latter characteristic, which is very difficult to find in other disciplines, proves to be truly significant for the countless positive aspects that derive from it, and it is something we have decided to focus on with our teaching method. By participating in individual or group lessons, you will not only learn theory and technique and acquire elements of equestrian practice, but through getting to know the horse, you will also learn new things about respect, education, and self-esteem.
Our audience
Horse back riding is a comprehensive sport suitable for everyone and does not present particular contraindications that would prevent participation. The starting age for beginning a course is between 2 and 4 years for children, while there are no age limits for teenagers and adults. For those experiencing horseback riding courses for the first time, it involves an introduction to this world aimed at understanding the care methods, ground management, and riding of the horse. Riders with more experience, on the other hand, can consider equestrian practice as an excellent opportunity to refine their technique. Our teaching method aims to balance the learning of equestrian technique with relational, educational-behavioral, motor, and autonomy development elements derived from interaction and relationship with the horse. The content of each horseback riding course and activity is therefore tailored and adapted based on the participants’ needs and specific requirements. Our equestrian practice offering will also include competitive endurance paths.
Our goals
The aim of our horseback riding courses and our approach is to make each participant the protagonist, allowing them not only to practice a sport in total harmony and in a stimulating environment but also to derive from this experience relevant elements for education, character building, and the satisfaction that comes from constantly experiencing new things. In this regard, horses and horseback riding represent particularly suitable activities. Equestrian practice, on one hand, allows training physical attributes such as muscular strength, coordination, and balance, and on the other hand, develops cognitive abilities that translate into respect, trust, education, and self-control derived from continuous contact with the horse. However, equestrian practice does not only mean riding lessons; it also means preparation and the ability to take care of one’s four-legged friend; all of this implies responsibility. And it is evident that taking care of the horse also leads to taking care of oneself, generating positive influences on predisposition to socialization and self-esteem. Referring to competitive equestrian practice, in relation to individual paths, the aim of this type of course is to consider competition as an additional means to experience, within a healthy and fair context, the concept of challenge and values such as defeat and victory.
Accompanying the kids in this activity is always a discovery; I am passionate about seeing them interact with the animal to understand the best way to communicate with it. And what can I say about when they’re in the saddle? It’s truly a delicate game of communication.
Mother of G.
G. is always overjoyed when she comes back home: she tells me what she did, how she did it, and what the horse told her (yes, she says they communicate constantly with their bodies and gestures). I’m happy for her, she’s found a dimension that suits her perfectly!

Ancestors of our modern automobiles, carriages have an ancient history and have accompanied humanity since time immemorial, as people have used them for hauling and transporting goods and passengers since prehistoric times. Pulled by one or more horses depending on their function or destination, carriages were guided and controlled by the figure of the coachman. From the single, to the pair, to the four-in-hand, being able to correctly drive a carriage is an operation that certainly required and still requires great skill today. Undoubtedly, even today, speaking of carriages means speaking of polar history, of connections with ancient times, of fairy tales, and of fantasy. Let’s imagine then: The closed sedan? The coupe? The open carriage for the fair weather or the more luxurious phaeton? Which carriage suits you best? I’M Possible is truly proud to present to you among our riding courses the carriage driving course, a discipline that combines the charm of the past with a modern sport that requires highly skilled expertise to provide this service with quality.
Our audience
The carriage driving course is aimed at all those who want to experience and feel the horse from a different perspective. It’s a way to approach the equine world that may seem completely new and perhaps a bit unusual today, but it’s absolutely rewarding and full of surprising insights. You will acquire skills related to animal care, harnessing, carriage preparation, and maintenance; all knowledge that is increasingly difficult to find in modern times, and we are very happy to share it with you. You will also learn the fundamentals and techniques of carriage driving in a context of complete safety, always accompanied by our expert and certified professionals. There are no limitations to participate, and lessons are held individually. Our carriage driving course also offers the possibility to start a competitive path.
Our goals
As with the horseback riding course, our approach to the carriage driving course is to follow the same type of approach. An approach to horse riding courses that we could define as the “I’M Possible method”, which consists of combining the beauty of practicing a sport and having fun doing it, with the opportunity to grow as a person benefiting from the therapeutic effects that come from direct contact with the horse and active involvement with the animal that engages participants as a whole. Specific skills in the world of carriage driving will thus be associated with improvements in motor, cognitive, and emotional spheres with the aim of promoting a general sense of well-being. Therefore, in this case as well, the start of the carriage driving course is preceded by a phase of planning and sharing of the objectives to be achieved.
Mother of A.
find this activity beautiful, engaging, but not easy because horse preparation requires commitment and driving requires a lot of attention. It’s a splendid way to approach the world of horses, caring and respectful. What a wonderful discovery!
Uncle of F.
It’s really unusual to see the horse from this perspective! It moves in a very strange way, the hooves on the ground make a movie-like noise, the hindquarters and tail seem alive! F. is thrilled, looking forward to starting a new lesson every time.